Saturday 5 March 2011

eSpring Water Treatment System - Technology Part 2 - Ultraviolet Light Technology

Combination of Carbon Filter, Ultraviolet and electronic monitoring technology

Ultraviolet Light Technology 

Back in 1919, UV technology is recognised as an effective way to treat water without adding chemicals. Ultraviolet (UV) light technology takes the eSpring™ Water Treatment System to the next level in in-home water purifiers by doing what carbon alone cannot do: it destroys microorganisms.

How it works

The eSpring Water Treatment System’s UV lamp, located in the centre of the cartridge, delivers up to 80 millijoules/cm² (units of measure) of UV light – enough to destroy more than 99.99% of 
bacteria and viruses that may be found in drinking water.

Water always flows cool

The tap water being diverted to the unit will activate a sensor to turn on the lamp instantly and automatically. Because the lamp is not on all the time, it does not waste energy or heat up the standing water; water always flows cool or at tap temperature. Isolating the UV lamp from the power source also provides greater safety and reliability.

System is durable

Eliminating hard-wired electrical connections between the unit and the cartridge makes replacing the cartridge simple and protects the system, making it more durable.

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